REMINDER: SVOwic: STAT WG Dust - Outcome meeting April 29 - Dust Testing in peas, sweet corn, carrot and chicory witloof - call for action: REMINDER 02.09.2014
REMINDER: SVOwic - Black box survey in Eruca sativa_Diplotaxis tenuifolia_Cucurbita moschata: REMINDER 02.09.2014
Circular No. 14.104b - ISF's detailed comments on the ISPM on seed Nyon, 2 Sept 2014 Dear ISF Members, In earlier emails you were informed about the international standard that gives guidance to NPPOs on the criteria for harmonising import require 02.09.2014
SCP companies active in Oats - Proposal to add a new DUS charactersitic to the CPVO Technical Protocol for Oats 28.08.2014
ESA Members: Issues Ink launches European Seed Magazine to serve the growing seed industry 28.08.2014