SPO: Tentative meeting with US Potato Industry and the American Seed Trade Association - January 2015 - Orlando 01.12.2014
Follow up: ESA Members: conference call on PRM and survey - preparation of the meeting wiht the COM 01.12.2014
ESA SFG - REMINDER: ESA SFG Board company members: Survey on the EU turf grass seed market - Deadline November 28: REMINDER 01.12.2014
ESA SFG - REMINDER: ESA SFG Board company members: Survey on the EU turf grass seed market - Deadline November 28: REMINDER 01.12.2014
REMINDER: ESA SVOwic members: Survey on the EU amateur vegetable seed market - Deadline November 28: REMINDER 28.11.2014
ESA Association Members: Discussion paper from the European Commission on implementing acts under Regulation 511/2014 (implementing the Nagoya Protocol) 26.11.2014