APSOV is longstanding established Italian company which constantly endeavors to enhance the field of agriculture. The company came into being as a Cooperative -APSOV Soc. Coop- in 1967, when it was set up by a group of young farmers. The founders' agricultural expertise has been and remains the basis for high quality seed production.
Today APSOV is still 100% owned by farmers and it is the leader of a group of companies: APSOVSEMENTI SPA (1995), SEMENTI MAREMMA (2002), GMAX SEEDS (2017). APSOV is the leading Italian company in terms of production and marketing of cereals, pulses and oil crops seeds. It runs a multiplication area constantly exceeding 7.000 ha, with a seed production of about 25,000 tons/ year.
APSOV carries out breeding programs for bread and durum wheat, barley, triticale, oat, alfalfa, sunflower and soybean.
The company today operates in more than 30 countries around the world.
Creating new varieties with high and consistent yield across the different environments, suitable to match the needs of farmers, industry, and consumers is the goal of our Breeding Programs. A largest trials network and the cooperation with several partners support the breeding activity and enable a timely assessment of the agronomic and quality value of our products.
In Ukraine, APSOV has in its portfolio sunflower, soybean, soft and durum wheat, alfalfa, yellow and green peas, and continues to expand it with new applications for plant varieties that most meet the needs of farms in Ukraine.