Working meeting on royalty collection in Ukraine


The Seed Association o Ukraine working meeting on royalty collection in Ukraine with particiapation of Marc Lecrivain, representative of Sicasov, will be held this Wednesday, the 15th of March, 2017, from 9:00 till 13:00


Participants: representative of Sicasov, members of the Seed association of Ukraine, representative of legal firm Jeantet Ukraine


Preliminary program of the meeting

9.00 - welcome coffee

Presentation of Marc Lecrivain, Sicasov

Presentation of Olekisy Soloviov, Jeantet Ukraine

Discussion and business-lunch - 13.00


Venue: hotel ALFAVITO (conference room Dialog);

35D, Predslavynska, Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine (near Palats Ukraine metro-station).


Materials of the event