"Maisadour Semences Ukraine" was founded by French cooperative Maisadour in November 2007 to promote agricultural activities in Eastern Europe. Priority areas are growing grain and industrial crops and seed production.
The main objective of "Maisadour Semences" in Ukraine is an offer of adapted hybrids in terms of agronomy, which are made in accordance to local soil and climatic conditions that will optimize economic results of management.
In Mogilev of Tsarychansk district of Dnepropetrovsk region, French association "Maisadour Semences" has built the most modern seed plant in Europe. Using the most modern equipment available on the market, the company dries, calibrates and processes seeds. This is modern complex of powerful agricultural production and storage of grain "Maisadour Semences Ukraine."
European level, full biological treatment, compliance with all appropriate regulations and permitions allow people to work efficiently and fast. The plant has created more than 100 permanent jobs. Cooperation with the French company "Maisadour Semence" comes up to the most optimistic hopes and expectations not only in the Dnipropetrovsk region, but also in Ukraine.