Limited liability company “Limagrain Ukraine” was founded on 24th October 2008. The founder is company Limagrain Europe S.A. (France).
The Company is a member of the world's leading seed group of companies Limagrain, which has subsidiaries or branches in 38 countries with total staff of over 7200 people, including more than 1,400 breeders or researchers. The main activities are breeding and seed production of field and vegetable crops. In addition, a group of companies has leading positions in the food industry, particularly in the manufacture of bakery products and ingredients. In 2009, the annual funding of research and breeding work in the group reached €633million.
The main activities of LLC ”Limagrain Ukraine" are:
1 - Wholesale trade of seeds
2 - seed production in Ukraine
3 - export and import of seeds
4 - providing services for foreign companies conducting business in Ukraine, including investment in Ukraine, registration of new seed varieties, exporting seeds from Ukraine to other countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and others.
While providing relevant opportunity at the legislative level in Ukraine, the company plans to conduct the breeding work in Ukraine with corresponding investments.