Benefits of membership in the Association
The Seed Association of Ukraine is one of those professional organisations which was solely created by seed breeding companies as an independent non-governmental institution. For several years the activity of specialised working group, formed by representatives of the field for joint discussion of urgent issues in the seed industry, preceded the establishment of the Association.
The advantages of membership in the Seed Association of Ukraine are as follows:
Participation in regular professional discussions in order to share experiences and discuss the situation in the seed market, including legislative innovations and trends in the market both domestic and worldwide.
Cooperation in the development of relevant attitude of field representatives, based on the respect and consensus.
Possibility of collective initiatives and collective discussion of important issues with representatives of authorities.
Use of joint efforts in responding to the seed market changes and in promoting the development of civilized seed market.
Joint participation in the seed market analysis and its outcome.
Ability to establish new business contacts in the country as well as outside of it.
Support of professional and personal development of representatives of the Association.
Better awareness of current issues and trends in seed industry.
Ability to protect the interests of individual member of the Association, using the joint efforts of the Association.
Support on the initial steps of new market participants in the development of their activities in the seed market of Ukraine.