MAIS is a recognized leader in the seed industry of Ukraine.
The company, which has been successfully operating since 1992, has been creating traditions and spreading the culture of the seed business in Ukraine for more than 30 years, providing domestic farmers with high-quality seeds of corn hybrids.
For many years, the company has cooperated with the leading breeding centers of Ukraine:
• The Institute of Grain Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine (Dnipro);
• V. Yuryev Institute of Plant Breeding of the NAAS of Ukraine named after (Kharkov);
• Institute of Agriculture of the NAAS (Kyiv);
• Institute of Plant Genetics and Physiology of the NAAS of Ukraine (Kyiv).
The breeding department of the MAIS company, in inventive cooperation with these centers, created and registered more than 23 high-yielding hybrids of corn of different maturity groups. Five are in the State variety testing, two of which are entered in the State Register in 2023.
The MAIS company builds the trust of Ukrainian farmers in the domestic product every day.
In seed production MAIS trusts only the best and most experienced ones. All seed material is produced by one of the world's largest seed processors. Only full production control in the field and in the factory can ensure the best result.
For more than 30 years, the company team has been providing partners with the best seed material. Adopting the most advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of seed production, MAIS tirelessly promotes among farmers the latest achievements of scientists and breeders.
The company has a wide program of scientific and research work, modern machinery for field production of seeds, equipment of well-known foreign companies for processing and bringing to sowing condition seeds of corn, sunflower, legumes, rapeseed, barley, winter wheat, triticale, soybean and others.
One of the priorities in the company's activities is the involvement of highly professional agronomic personnel, compliance with production technology in all of its areas.
A few years ago, the priority in the breeding work with corn hybrids was their productivity and quick release of moisture by the grain during ripening. Nowadays, in connection with the inexorable global warming, which is fully felt by our producers of agricultural products (and in almost all regions of the country), the feature of drought and heat resistance comes to the fore.
MAIS takes these factors into account and creates more adaptable hybrids that produce consistent yields. The result of the company's breeding work is hybrids that can germinate at a soil temperature of +70 C and adapt to stressful conditions of environment, including drought. Early sowing dates - for 2-3 weeks - make it possible to use the winter soil moisture as efficiently as possible, to support the exchange and growth processes of plants at the proper level during dry growing seasons, to speed up harvesting in the fall, to get not only a good grain yield, but also to increase it quality indicators, reduce humidity and post-harvest finishing costs.
The MAIS breeders have created new corn hybrids with increased resistance to drought.
The quality of our seed products is in no way inferior to the European counterparts. Many farms in Ukraine have many years of experience in sowing hybrids of the MAIS company of different maturity groups and get good, stable harvests.