International Research and Training Conference: "The condition and prospects the formation of plant varietal resources in Ukraine"

The first international Research and Training Conference devoted to the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination on the topic "The condition and prospects of formation of plant varietal resources in Ukraine" took place on 11-13 July, 2012.
Among participants were: representatives of the agribusiness and seed companies, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine, scientific and public institutions that operate in the agricultural sector.
It was noted that today in the framework of administrative reform, there have taken place essential changes associated with changes in the structure of institutions that coordinated the activities in the field of plant variety rights protection and institutions directly involved in the state examination of plant varieties.
Wherefore, on the first place is scientific professionalism and the need to ensure the research and to obtain reliable data on examination results, while compliance with regulatory requirements.
For a significant contribution and scientific achievement in the formation of national variety plant resources, Chief Executive of the Seed Association of Ukraine was awarded with Certificate of Honour.